Sustainability management at Magasépítő ‘99 Kft.
One of the key challenges for businesses in the 21st century is integrating environmental considerations and energy awareness into everyday practices. For companies involved in activities that entail the emission of harmful substances, it is particularly important to apply ecologically sustainable practices and propagate these at the appropriate level.
Our company interacts responsibly with the natural environment. As part of our efforts to adopt environmentally sustainable practices, we launched an energy and environmental awareness programme in 2020, which aims to engage the company’s employees and show them how to reduce the impact of our operations on the immediate environment, but also emphasises the ecological sustainability of the company’s activities over the longer term through measures such as selective waste collection, the use of renewable energy, reducing paper use and emissions, and increasing employee awareness.
In the first phase of the programme, our aim was to raise the environmental and energy awareness of our employees, and besides continuously increasing the use of renewable energy sources, we committed to planting trees in partnership with Siófok city council, in order to reduce our emissions from fuel consumption and our ecological footprint. We are confident that these actions will be appreciated by both local residents and by visitors to the area.

HSE considerations have been integrated at all levels of the company and into every aspect of our business. The work sites are inspected every month, and the findings recorded and evaluated. We take every measure to prevent any negative events from reoccurring. Toolbox meetings are held for manual workers on at least 10 occasions each year. In addition, we hold a quarterly HSE senior management consultation for the employees of the company on the latest health, environment, work-safety and accident-prevention issues.